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Image Upload

Artalk provides an image upload feature with options to limit image size, upload frequency, and more. You can also integrate with UpGit to upload images to image hosting services.

You can modify this configuration in the settings interface of the Dashboard, or configure it through configuration files or environment variables.

Configuration File

The complete img_upload configuration is as follows:

# Image Upload
  enabled: true # Master Switch
  path: ./data/artalk-img/ # Image storage path
  max_size: 5 # Image size limit (Unit: MB)
  public_path: null # Specify the base URL for image links (default is "/static/images/")
  # Use UpGit to upload images to GitHub or image hosting services
    enabled: false # Enable UpGit
    exec: upgit -c <upgit configuration file path> -t /artalk-img
    del_local: true # Delete local images after uploading

Using UpGit to Upload to Image Hosting Services

UpGit supports uploading images to various image hosting services or code repositories such as GitHub, Gitee, Tencent Cloud COS, Qiniu Cloud, UpYun, SM.MS, and more.

First, download UpGit and complete the configuration for your target image hosting service according to the

Then, add UpGit to the system's environment variables by adding the following to ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/upgit

(Or move it directly to /usr/bin)

Finally, fill in the UpGit startup parameters in Artalk's img_upload.upgit field:

  enabled: true # Enable UpGit
  exec: upgit -c <upgit configuration file path> -t /artalk-img
  del_local: true # Delete local images after uploading

Update Notice

Starting from version v2.8.4, to enhance security, Artalk no longer allows specifying the UpGit executable file path. Please add it to the system's environment variables. 😃

Mounting UpGit with Docker

If you are deploying Artalk with Docker, you can mount the UpGit executable to the container:

docker run -d --name artalk -v /path/to/upgit:/usr/bin/upgit -v /path/to/artalk:/app/data -p 8080:23366 artalk

Upload Frequency Limit

The frequency limit follows the captcha configuration. When the limit is exceeded, a captcha will be prompted.

Refer to: Backend · Captcha


img_upload.path is the "local storage directory" path for uploaded image files. This directory will be mapped by Artalk to be accessible at:

http://<backend address>/static/images/

Public Path

The default value for img.public_path is: /static/images/

When this item is a "relative path", for example: /static/images/, the HTML tag for the uploaded image on the frontend will be:

<img src="http://<backend address>/static/images/1.png" />

Note: The <backend address> is configured in the frontend conf.server.

When this item is a "complete URL path", for example:, the image tag will be:

<img src="" />

Tip: This configuration can be used in scenarios such as load balancing.

Custom Upload API on the Frontend

The frontend provides the imgUploader configuration option, allowing you to customize the API for image upload requests, for example:

  imgUploader: async (file) => {
    const form = new FormData()
    form.set('file', file)

    const imgUrl = await fetch('', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: form,

    return imgUrl

Refer to: Frontend Configuration Documentation



Artalk ErrorFailed to load comments
TypeError: Failed to fetch
