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Plugin Development

Developing with Vite

We provide an integrated Vite plugin, enabling you to effortlessly build Artalk plugins with out-of-the-box Vite configuration.

Reference Documentation: @artalk/plugin-kit.

Additionally, we offer a template repository that you can fork to develop your plugins: artalk-plugin-sample.

Utilizing Vite in combination with the frontend ecosystem, you can develop Artalk plugins using any framework you prefer, such as Vue, React, Svelte, or SolidJS.


Extend Artalk's functionality using Artalk.use.

import Artalk from 'artalk'

Artalk.use((ctx) => {
  ctx.on('list-loaded', () => {
    console.log('Comment list loaded')
    ctx.getCommentNodes().forEach((node) => {
      node.getEl().style.background = 'red'

Artalk.use((ctx) => {
  let el = null

  ctx.on('mounted', () => {
    el = document.createElement('div')
    console.log('Artalk instance mounted')

  ctx.on('unmounted', () => {
    console.log('Artalk instance unmounted')

const artalk = Artalk.init({ ... })

Please note:

  • Artalk.use must be called before Artalk.init to take effect.
  • Do not rely on the order of plugin loading; instead, listen for events to execute plugin logic.
  • The created event is triggered once all plugins are loaded.
  • The mounted event is triggered when the instance and configuration are fully loaded.
  • The unmounted event is triggered when the Artalk instance is destroyed.
  • The updated event is triggered when the configuration changes.

Within the use function, you can access Artalk's Context object via ctx.

Configurable Plugin Options

In TypeScript, you can define a plugin with options using ArtalkPlugin<T>.

export interface DemoPluginOptions {
  foo?: string

export const ArtalkDemoPlugin: ArtalkPlugin<DemoPluginOptions> = (ctx, options = {}) => {

Pass options when calling Artalk.use:

import { ArtalkDemoPlugin } from 'artalk-plugin-demo'

Artalk.use(ArtalkDemoPlugin, { foo: 'bar' })

Context API

The Context object contains Artalk's contextual information.

ctx.getElGet container element
ctx.getConfGet configuration
ctx.updateConfUpdate configuration
ctx.watchConfWatch configuration
ctx.setDarkModeSet dark mode
ctx.getApiGet API client object
ctx.fetchFetch comment data
ctx.reloadReload comment list
ctx.getCommentsGet all comment data
ctx.getCommentNodesGet all comment nodes
ctx.onAdd event listener
ctx.offRemove event listener
ctx.triggerTrigger event
ctx.getGet dependency
ctx.injectInject dependency


The Context API is currently unstable and subject to change. Please refer to the CHANGELOG when upgrading.

Reference: @artalk/src/types/context.ts

Artalk includes comprehensive TypeScript type definitions, allowing you to explore the API through editor autocompletion.

Sample Plugins

Below is a list of externally maintained Artalk plugins:

artalk-plugin-sampleSample Plugin
@artalk/plugin-katexLaTeX Formula Plugin
@artalk/plugin-authAuth Plugin (SolidJS)
@artalk/plugin-lightboxBasic Image Lightbox

Additionally, many plugins are implemented within Artalk itself, which you can reference for developing your own plugins:

@ArtalkJS/Artalk - src/plugins

Backend Plugin Development




Artalk ErrorFailed to load comments
TypeError: Failed to fetch
